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Become a CCIJ fundraiser this holiday season and participate to win an abolitionist gift basket! Anyone who makes a Facebook or Instagram fundraiser for CCIJ from November 16, 2022 to December 31, 2022 will be considered for our Abolitionist Gift Basket Raffle. The raffle will take place sometime in January (more details to follow). The only requirements to participate are: 1) Create a fundraiser for CCIJ on Instagram and/or Facebook and 2) Have at least $50 in donations.

CCIJ will use donations for activities such as in-person community events, visits to detention centers, and advocacy campaigns responding to the needs of individuals in detention.



  • Once you have created your fundraising, send it directly to your contacts and ask them to contribute. They will most likely donate if you ask them to do so! 

  • You never know who is paying attention on social media. Maybe your old friend from high school or your former coworker will see your posts and feel compelled to support CCIJ. So don’t be shy when sharing out CCIJ’s content on your social media... it can have a huge impact!



  • Start date: December 1, 2022 

  • End date: December 31, 2022

  • Goal: Anywhere between $100-1000. 

  • Title options: 

    • I Care For CCIJ’s Cause. Show You Care Too! 

    • Help me fundraise for a cause dear to my heart! 

To start an Instagram fundraiser you need to be able to open the Instagram App. Find CCIJ on Instagram as @ccijustice.

You will find inspiring pictures you can use for your fundraising efforts, as well as graphics and videos you can share out on social media to promote your fundraiser. 



Please help me fundraise for a cause dear to my heart! CCIJ seeks to abolish immigrant detention through the use of innovative legal, organizing, and advocacy strategies. I [EXPLAIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO CCIJ] and support their cause because [WHY DO YOU SUPPORT CCIJ?]. With your help CCIJ can continue to push for the humane treatment and liberation of all our community members.


I want to help CCIJ raise [AMOUNT YOU CHOOSE]. Can you help us reach that goal?  Your contribution will make an impact​​ whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. 


CCIJ is raffling an abolitionist gift basket among those who create their own fundraiser through social media this holiday season. Thanks to your donation I’ll have a better chance at winning! 


Facebook/Instagram pays all the processing fees for you, so 100% of your donation goes directly to CCIJ. 


Thank you for your support!

Get in touch!

Thanks for submitting!

We'll contact you soon.


Sign up to receive interesting news, updates, and stories related to CCIJ and our fight to end immigration detention.



1999 Harrison St Suite 1800

Oakland, CA 94612


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