We envision a world of true liberation and empowerment. Legal strategies are not enough to attain this vision. Systemic change can only happen when legal strategies and advocacy go hand in hand.
AUG 2024
August 15, 2024 – CRCL Complaint - Excessive use of force by GEO guards--sanctioned by ICE--against people inside dorm A4 of Golden State Annex just days after detained immigrants held two peaceful protests to call for improved conditions. Guards raided their dorm in riot gear and used violence including punching, indiscriminate pepper spray, handcuffing with zip ties, invasive strip searches, retaliatory use of solitary confinement and more.
MAY 2023
May 18, 2023 –Nine currently and formerly detained people at the Mesa Verde ICE Processing Center (MV) in Bakersfield, Calif., and the Golden State Annex (GSA) in McFarland, Calif., filed a Motion for Summary Adjudication and a Motion for Partial Class Certification in the ongoing One-Dollar-A-Day class action lawsuit against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and GEO Group, the for-profit prison company that owns and operates the detention centers.
SEP 2022
Sep 12. 2022 –CRCL Complaint: Retaliation Against Individuals in Immigration Detention at Mesa Verde Detention Facility and Golden State Annex: Leaders inside Mesa Verde ICE Processing Center and Golden State Annex file a federal complaint with the Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties due to retaliation experienced at the hands of ICE and GEO Group
SEP 2022
Sep 12. 2022 –CRCL Complaint: First Amendment Retaliation, Medical Negligence, Violations of Civil Rights, and Other Abuses Against Individuals in Immigration Detention at the Imperial Regional Detention Facility: Leaders inside Imperial Regional Detention Facility filed second federal complaint in 6 months with the Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties due to retaliation, medical neglect among other issues.
MAY 2022
May 17. 2022 –Ahn v. The GEO Group, et al. Filed in Federal Court On the second anniversary of the passing of Mr. Choung Woong Ahn, his family and legal team filed a lawsuit in federal court to seek justice and accountability for his torture and wrongful death at an immigration detention center.
JAN 2022
January 28. 2022 –2022 COVID Outbreak in Immigrant Detention Facilities: Letter from 50+ orgs urging action from state, including Gov, CDPH & AG to protect the health and safety of immigrants amidst outbreaks & federal inaction.
OCT 2021
October 28. 2021 – Continued and Enhanced Access to Free Legal Communication at Golden State Annex: Letter from 40 Pro Bono Legal Service Providers to ICE regarding Continued and Enhanced Access to Free Legal Communication at Golden State Annex and Mesa Verde.
AUG 2021
August 26. 2021- First Amendment Relation in CA Detention Facilities: Filed by California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice, Centro Legal de la Raza, ACLU Northern California, ACLU San Diego and Imperial Counties, ACLU Southern California on behalf of 8 plaintiffs.
FEB 2021
February 25, 2021- Letter to Attorney General and Complaint to DHS Inspector General and Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Division in response to the death of Mr. Choung Woong Ahn: Filed by California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice (CCIJ), Disability Rights California (DRC), and Centro Legal de la Raza.
FEB 2021
February 12, 2021- AB32 Amicus Brief: Filed by Immigrant Defense Advocates, (IDA) and Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) and California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice (CCIJ).